+8190-6104–6719, 080-4924-5050 | management@jbtechit.com



Dr. Mohammad Abdul Momin
PhD (Japan), FICD (USA)
President and CEO
Peace Corporation Ltd

Since 2010, Peace Corporation Ltd has been exporting and importing high-quality products from Japan to Bangladesh. JBTechIT is an IT branch of Peace Corporation Ltd.

Welcome to the JBTechIT. I am proud of the work we do and how we go about doing it. Software Solution is the core of everything we do and remains our number one priority. Since its establishment, JBTechIT has been consistently providing reliable and secure quality on the basis of the Company’s high technical capabilities. At all times, the Company aims to realize a safe, secure society as well as comfort and convenience in life. Our tech-based culture is deeply rooted in our overall business strategy and we are committed to providing necessary resources, support and trainings towards ensuring each and every employee returns home safely at the end of the day.

Things will be changed quite a bit over the years & years. What started as a small company, will be grown into an award-winning state wide organization. That said, some things haven’t changed – to provide a software product we can be proud of, giving the customer a little more than they expected, all while keeping a focus on employee satisfaction. We specialize in a full spectrum of software development. These services include Application Design and Development, Business Automation, and Software Enhancements and Maintenance.

Nowadays software is everywhere. In the microwaves, in the cars, in space shuttles, in medical equipment, and obviously in legacy computer systems. It’s an exciting time for the software field. Every day that goes by brings new ideas and exciting applications of software for the benefit of human beings. JBTechIT is a leading offshore software-outsourcing provider with offices in USA, and Canada. Our mission is to provide quality software development services that fulfil the needs of end users. We want to be partners with companies who are passionate about using software for a competitive edge. Those companies are looking for high-quality software development services at a reasonable price.

Please contact us and start a software revolution in your organization. Join us in building a quality software solution for your organization. I will personally make sure that you are provided with the best software development services possible.

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