Maintenance & Support

In today’s economic world, business systems now encompass a huge spectrum of activities to perform within the limited time and logistics. From the traditional ‘back office’ systems like accounts, payroll, etc. to direct operations, sales and customer services, etc. fall under the day to day operations of a modern business entity.
Further the introduction of ERP applications that span across the complete business process workflow of an enterprise to the specialized CRM applications; IT processes and services face the continuous challenge of supporting, maintaining and upgrading the systems.
To cater all the above challenges and services, JBTech IT provides different models of professional support services. These services include – using the appropriate combination of on-shore/on-site, near-shore and off-shore models with emphasis on service management. Client ‘Technical Assistance Request’ (TAR), ‘Change Requests’ (CR) and the underlying service level agreement (SLA) are implemented under our support models.
JBTech IT‘s support infrastructure:
- 24 x 7 onsite help desk
- 24 x 7 support center located at Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Flexible callout program based on time and labor
- Customized application software support
- Oracle ERP application support, maintenance and upgrade
- Database backup, recovery, monitoring, maintenance and performance tuning
- Application server support, maintenance, upgrading and performance tuning
- Advisory support services on hardware, storage, networking
- Hardware and software installation, maintenance, upgrading services